February-March 2019
Sermon Series Summary-
This series features an overview followed by a message from each of the six chapters of Paul’s letter
to the Galatians. Paul loved the Galatians, but needed to correct a number of “toxic” beliefs, certain
teachings masquerading as biblical and helpful, but were they to be embraced would cause great
damage to this community of faith. Their experience speaks to ours today.
January-February 2019
Sermon Series Summary-
We will all owe God an accounting for the stewardship of EVERY area of our lives; our
Time, our Talents, and our Treasure.
December 2018
Sermon Series Summary-
Grinches and Elves—no, the Bible does not feature either of these, but the larger Christmas
narrative is full of interesting characters who play similar roles in our lives.
September-November 2018
Sermon Series Summary-
A series of messages drawn from the Book of Nehemiah, the great rebuilder.
July-August 2018
Sermon Series Summary-
Each beatitude begins with "Blessed are...", which is the blessedness that is sufficient unto itself,
complete, and the first taste of eternal life. As a whole, they describe the spirit of the one who lives
in the Person of Christ. This series examines the contour of this new life. We rest in him; for we have
found everything that the human heart is looking for but cannot find outside of Jesus.
May 2018
Sermon Series Summary-
The “I Am Jesus” series looks at Jesus’ seven statements in the Gospel of John. Jesus’ unique
authority and identity as the Son of God are expressed in sayings where Jesus makes very
specific, far reaching, and even outrageous “I Am” statements about himself.
April 2018
Sermon Series Summary-
Seemingly impossible situations in life often leave us hanging onto our mistakes, insecurities
and resentment. But no sin or bitterness is too deep for God’s grace. What’s been done FOR
you is greater than what’s been done TO you.
January-February 2018
Sermon Series Summary-
The Transformed-How God Changes Us series explores what the Bible has to say about every
essential area of our lives: Spiritual, Physical, Mental, Emotional, Relational, Financial and Vocational.
While the world's promises leave us empty and searching for more, God's will is the only answer that
promises to TRANSFORM our lives from the inside out.